Share Pop Up

The Share Pop-Up appears after customers click on the Share Button in our store. It allows the customers to share their cart with friends and family via social media, email, and by copying the link. Using Share Cart’s customization features, we can change the Share Pop-Up’s look and feel to match our Shopify store.

Editing Text

In Share Cart Dashboard, we can find text editing options for the Share Pop-Up under the Design Preview section, which are listed below:

  • Pop up title: Edit the text displayed on top of the Pop-Up.
  • Footnote Text: Edit the text displayed at the bottom of the Pop-Up.

Share Pop-Up

In addition, in the Share Cart Dashboard under Typography, we can find the Text Customization section, which includes the following options:

  • Copy Confirmation Text: Edit the confirmation text that shows up when we click on the Copy Button to copy the cart link.
  • Copy Button Text: Edit the text inside the Copy Button.

Editing Fonts

We can edit different font settings of the share Pop-Up to match them with our Shopify store. To access these settings, we have to go to the Dashboard and click on Typography, under which we will find the following options:

  • Font Family: Edit the font style of the Share Pop-Up.
  • Title Weight: Edit the font weight of the title.
  • Title Font Size: Edit the font size of the title.
  • Footnote Weight: Edit the font weight of the Footnote Text.
  • Note Font Size: Edit the font size of the Footnote Text.
  • OR Text Weight: Edit the font weight of OR text in the Pop-Up.
  • OR Text Font Size: Edit the font size of OR text in the Pop-Up.


Editing Colors

In Share Cart, editing the colors of different elements of the Share Pop-Up is very simple. All we have to do is go to the Basic Colors section in the Dashboard. Here, the options include:

  • Background Color: Edit the color of the background.
  • General Text Color: Edit the color of all the texts at once.
  • Button Color: Edit the color of all the buttons at once.
  • Button Text Color: Edit the color of all the texts inside the buttons at once.

Basic Colors

In the Advanced Colors section, we can do more in-depth editing of colors for the specific elements of the Share Pop-Up. Options include:

  • Copy Button: Edit the color of the Copy Button.
  • Copy Text: Edit the color of text within the Copy Button.
  • Copy Icon: Edit the color of the Copy Icon.
  • Toggle Button: Edit the color of the Toggle Button.
  • Toggle Icon: Edit the color of the Toggle Icon.
  • Toggle Button Active: Edit the color of the Toggle Button for when it is active.
  • Toggle Icon Active: Edit the color of the Toggle Icon for when it is active.
  • Modal Background: Edit the background color of the Share Pop-Up modal.
  • Modal Text: Edit the color of the texts on the Share Pop-Up modal.
  • Close Icon: Edit the color of the close icon.
  • Modal Border: Edit the border color of the Share Pop-Up modal.
  • Input bar background: Edit the background color of the input bar where the shareable link is located.
  • Footnote Text Color: Edit the color of the Footnote Text of the modal.
  • Social Icon Color: Edit the color of the Social Icons.

Advanced Colors

Editing Appearance

In Share Cart Dashboard, under the Appearance section, we can find an option called Border radius. Using this option, we can edit the border radius of the Share Pop-Up and add roundness to it.


Last updated on 16th Aug 2022