Referrer Incentives

Share Cart’s Referrer Incentives feature lets us set and offer discounts to customers for sharing their cart links with friends and family. This feature comes in handy when we want to encourage more cart shares and checkouts from customers to boost our visibility and sales.

An Incentive Text, Bubble, or Badge is displayed on the Share Button when customers visit their cart. Clicking on the Share Button shows the Share Pop-Up with the following embedded banner and discount details:

Screenshot of Referrer Incentive Modal on Cart Page

How to Set Up Referrer Discount

To set Referrer Incentives for customers, we have to visit the Share Cart app and go to the Incentives tab.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Referrer Discount Toggle Turned ON

Once there, we have to turn on the Referrer Discount toggle to find the following incentive settings:

Auto Discounts

Let the app generate automatic discount codes for referrers. Here, no input is required from the user’s end.

Manual Discounts

Let us enter personalized discount codes. This section further consists of the following input blocks:

  • Available Discount Codes: We have to enter the Manual Discount codes in this block, separated by commas. Also, we can directly import a CSV file of discount codes into this block from our device by clicking on the Import CSV option.

  • Used/Expired Discount Codes: This block stores the discount codes that have been used or expired to help us keep tabs on them. Besides, we can export the CSV file of expired discount codes from this block to our device by simply clicking the Export CSV option.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Auto and Manual Discounts for Referrer

Discount Type

Let us set the discount type, either Percentage or Flat, for Referrer Incentives through a drop-down.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Discount Type

Discount Amount

This is an input field where we have to enter a number as the discount amount for Referrer Incentives.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Discount Amount

Checkout Toggle

Turning on this toggle sets an eligibility criterion for the referrer, i.e., the referrer will get the discount only if the recipient checks out using the shared link first.

It also reveals the following checkout conditions for the recipient, which they must fulfill for the referrer to get a discount:

Recipient Checkout Conditions

  • None: Selecting this option sets no condition for the recipient checkout. The referrer will be simply eligible for the discount when the recipient receives the cart link from them.


However, if the Checkout Toggle is turned ON, the referrer will be eligible for the discount only if the recipient checks out using the link first.

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: This option imposes a condition where the recipient has to meet a specified cart value during checkout (purchase items worth a certain amount) for the referrer to get a discount. Selecting this option reveals the Minimum Amount input field, where we can enter a number as the minimum purchase amount for the recipient.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Recipient Checkout Conditions for Referrer

  • Minimum Quantity of Items: Imposes a condition where a recipient has to checkout with a certain number of cart items for the referrer to be eligible for a discount. Selecting this condition reveals the Minimum Items input field, where we can enter a number as the minimum quantity of items for the recipient.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Recipient Checkout Conditions for Referrer

Referrer Checkout Conditions

Let us set the following checkout criteria for the referrer to be eligible for a discount:

  • None: Selecting this option sets no condition for the referrer checkout. They will be eligible for the discount only by sharing the cart link with others.


However, if the Checkout Toggle is turned ON, the referrer will be eligible for the discount only if the recipient checks out first using the link shared by them.

  • Minimum Purchase Amount: This option imposes a condition where the referrer has to meet a specified cart value during checkout (purchase items worth a certain amount) to get the discount. Selecting this option reveals the Minimum Amount input field, where we can enter a number as the minimum purchase amount for the referrer.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Referrer Checkout Conditions

  • Minimum Quantity of Items: Imposes a condition where a referrer has to checkout with a certain number of cart items to be eligible for the discount. Selecting this condition reveals the Minimum Items input field, where we can enter a number as the minimum quantity of items for the referrer.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Referrer Checkout Conditions

Limit Incentive Toggle

Turning on this toggle lets us enter a number in the Maximum Limit input field to limit the number of times a referrer can get a discount for sharing their cart link.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Limit Incentive Toggle for Referrer


Turning on the Give Incentives To Only Logged In Customers master toggle makes the discount available to logged-in customers only.

Screenshot of Share Cart Incentives Tab-Give Incentives To Only Logged In Customers Master Toggle

We hope you make the most of Share Cart’s Referrer Incentives feature and reach your goals.

If you have any queries, reach out to us via live chat or email [email protected]. We’re always ready to assist!

Last updated on 18th Mar 2025