
In Share Cart, we have options to configure the expiration of the cart link. We can turn on these options to control how many times people can visit the link and how many days the link will be active to allow the visits. To access these options, we have to visit the Share Cart Dashboard and click on the drop-down menu of the Links section.

Screenshot of Share Cart Dashboard-Clicking on Links

We have the following Links expiry options for Share Cart:

  • Number of Visits: Turn on this option to configure the number of visits for a Share Cart link. To set the number of visits, we have to enter a number in the Visits input field. For instance, if we set the number of visits to 5, people can visit the cart 5 times, and the link will expire after that.

Configuring Number of Visits

  • Number of Days: Turn on this option to configure the number of days for a Share Cart link to be active. To set the number of days, we have to enter a number in the Days input field. For instance, if we set the number of days to 2, people can visit the cart for 2 days, and the link will expire after that.

Configuring Number of Days

We hope you make the most out of the Links expiry options of Share Cart and reach your business goals. If you have any questions, contact us via live chat or email at [email protected].

Last updated on 16th Aug 2022